Check out the Wisconsin Alumni Association’s profile of Whitney and her cats Potato and Augustus Cesar la Salad! Read the article here.
Loo Lab receives ACS Petroleum Research Fund grant
We are excited to be among the fall 2024 recipients of the ACS PRF grant! These funds will help us further our research on block copolymer compatibilizers for mixed plastic recycling. Read more in C&EN: …
College of Engineering feature on Prof Loo’s DOE Early Career Award
Read the College of Engineering’s feature story to learn more about our polymer electrolyte research that will be funded by Prof Loo’s recent DOE Early Career Award:
Professor Loo wins DOE Early Career Award!
The Loo Lab is honored to be selected for the Department of Energy Early Career award! We look forward to expanding our research on polymer-based battery electrolytes using these funds. Full DOE press release …
Marissa Wins CBE TA Award
Congratulations to Marissa for winning the Roland A. Ragatz Teacher’s Assistant Award! We are so proud of her hard work this semester!
Nidhi and Akshith Present at CBE Undergraduate Poster Session
Congrats to Nidhi and Akshith for presenting their work from this past semester at the department-wide poster session!
Nidhi and Akshith Present at Fall 2023 Poster Session
In December, Nidhi and Akshish presented at the Fall 2023 Undergraduate Research Poster Session! Thanks to members of the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department who came to hear them share the work they’ve been doing …
Welcome Steph and Jingchao to the Loo Lab!
Steph Brown and Jingchao Qin have joined the Loo Lab as PhD students in Chemical Engineering at UW—Madison! Steph will be developing reactive block copolymer compatibilizers for recycling waste plastics and Jingchao will be studying …
Whitney named Conway Assistant Professor
Professor Loo was named a Conway Assistant Professor in the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at UW—Madison! Last week we celebrated this achievement with an Investiture Ceremony. Congrats Professor Loo! Whitney receiving her certificate from …
Loo Lab Open House
Renovations are finally complete and our lab is officially open! We celebrated with balloons and lab tours led by Jenny and Marissa. We thank the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department for the great turnout!