Marissa Wins CBE TA Award

Congratulations to Marissa for winning the Roland A. Ragatz Teacher’s Assistant Award! We are so proud of her hard work this semester!

Welcome Steph and Jingchao to the Loo Lab!

Steph Brown and Jingchao Qin have joined the Loo Lab as PhD students in Chemical Engineering at UW—Madison! Steph will be developing reactive block copolymer compatibilizers for recycling waste plastics and Jingchao will be studying …

Whitney named Conway Assistant Professor

Professor Loo was named a Conway Assistant Professor in the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at UW—Madison! Last week we celebrated this achievement with an Investiture Ceremony. Congrats Professor Loo! Whitney receiving her certificate from …

Loo Lab Open House

Renovations are finally complete and our lab is officially open! We celebrated with balloons and lab tours led by Jenny and Marissa. We thank the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department for the great turnout!